






We envision good health for the children of today and healthy nation for tomorrow.
Health Topics covered under the Grow up Healthy programme, relevant to school children:
  1. Healthy behaviours-importance of hygiene, clean water & sanitation, hand washing, dental hygiene
  2. Nutrition and nutritional disorders-developing healthy eating habits, information on prevention of anemia, common vitamin deficiency disorders, obesity etc.
  3. Communicable disease- prevention of common communicable diseases such as typhoid, jaundice, diarrhea diseases and other water borne disease, worm infestations, skin infections, health awareness on Tuberculosis, malaria, dengue, HIV/AIDS etc.
  4. Non-communicable disease- health promotion for prevention of hypertension, Diabetes, Cancers & obesity.
  5. Adolescent health- Issues related to smoking, tobacco & alcohol consumption, menstrual hygiene.
  6. Immunization & Vaccination- importance of immunization and vaccines for common ailments.
Under Grow up Healthy programme, we offer:
1. Health Talks (for students, staff/teachers & parents).
2. Health Quiz/Painting competitions on relevant Health topics.
3. Health Debates.
4.Health Camps/Health Check-ups (anthropometric measurements-height, weight, hemoglobin estimation and common disease screening).
5. Dissemination of health information –printed material, puppet shows etc.
BMI (Body Mass Index):
The body mass index (BMI), or Quetelet index, is a measure for human body shape based on an individual’s weight and height. This ratio is expressed in Kg/m2 and provides a rough estimation of the body mass status of the individual in relation to his/her height. BMI=(WEIGHT/HEIGHT²) (kg/m²)
Quantifying Obesity with Body Mass Index (BMI)
  BMI Value Classification* Risk of obesity/Co-morbidities
  18.5 – 24.9 Normal range Negligible
  25.0 – 29.9 Overweight Risk of obesity/Co-morbidities
  >30 Obese Mildly increased
 30.0 – 34.9 Class I Moderate
 35.0 – 39.9 Class II Severe
 > 40.0 Class III Very Severe

About Unknown

Wiseapple” is an initiative to build health, knowledge, skills and healthy behaviours amongst the youth and works at promotion of health through programmes designed and directed at improving ‘lifestyle and general health’. The programmes include health education and guidance to the school and college students, employers and employees of corporate organizations for providing access to a broad range of healthy living programs and reinforcing these with promotional material.
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